gbwhatsapp download lates version android 2021

 GBWhatsApp is an enhanced and customized mod of original WhatsApp and is most suitable for those who want to use two Whatsapp accounts on a single device. It is based on WhatsApp Plus mod which was discontinued by the WhatsApp creators when they streamlined WhatsApp.

The advantage of GBWhatsApp is that you can install it alongside your original WhatsApp without any interference. You can also view messages that have been deleted by the other user and can easily retrieve photos that have been deleted in private or group chat.

This version of Whatsapp is also best suited in case you get banned from the original Whatsapp. Accounts that get banned receive just a small message: “Your phone number is banned from using WhatsApp. Contact support for help.” Whatsapp official usually does not issue any warning before banning an account and that’s it you cannot use Whatsapp anymore. But GBWhatsapp offers a bypass from the  

The WhatsApp plus Mod stayed in circulation and due to that we have the GBWhatsApp which you can easily customize if you are a developer. GB WhatsApp has a tweaked UI for added features and uses the same license and protocol as the WhatsApp.

Once installed you can continue to use the GBWhatsApp with a new number as a completely independent chat app. GBWhatsapp comes with lots of features and much more improvement. Also, It has many new themes and improved privacy policy.

Download WhatsApp Plus Apk Pro Version Anti-Ban link

 GB WhatsApp Plus Apk Pro

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